Renate Wandel - Vita

1966 - 1972

University for Visual Arts  / Berlin

2001 - 2002

Monestary painter in the  monestary Cornberg / Hessia


Prizewinner Art Competition Bad Sooden-Allendorf

Renate Wandel lives and works in Bad Hersfeld / Hessia

1966 - 1972

Study of free painting, sculpture and building history. University for visual arts (HfBK), Berlin with Professor Julius Posener, Knispel and Borchert. Study trips in Europe (from Iceland to Istanbul), North Africa and front Orient.

since 1972

Freelance actively as painter and sculptress.
Training activity at public and private schools within the range of the painting and sculpture.
Order work country-wide for churches of most diverse denominations.


Stage painting Bad Hersfelder Festspiele (summer theatre).


Lullus cycle (10 paintings) - gothical town church in Bad Hersfeld


Interior decoration, winding and cover painting. Hamam in Bad Hersfeld for Ev. church.


Monestary painter in the monestary Cornberg - Hessia.


Award Winner of the Art Competition in Bad Sooden-Allendorf / Hessia

Member in the BBK (Federal association of educating artists) Kassel North Hessia. Renate Wandel lives and works in Bad Hersfeld / Hessia.